发言人:International Bar Association, Ms. Ewelina Ochab
The IBA’s human rights institute is highly concerned that two years after the report of the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, identifing gross human rights violations in Xinjiang.
The Human Rights Council did not allow any time to discuss the findings and identify adequate response.The report found that the Chinese government has committed abuses that may amount to crimes against humanity, targeting Uyghurs another Turkic communities in Xinjiang region.
The report contains first- hand accounts of victims survivors, mass arbitrary detention, torture, persecution, force labor,and other forms of the human rights violations.The report made several important recommendations,including those pertaining to justice accountability.
In October 2022,the Human Rights Council rejected the motion for the debate with 19 against 17 favor and 11 abstains.
We are highly concerned that two years later,the report continues to be buried, ignoring the calls for help survivors. The situation must be addressed in a resolution table, a summit of urgency throughout victims by the central approach.This needs to ensure that vioce head in relation to the treatment, but also relation to recommendations.
The IBA calls upon the Human Rights Council and the High Commissionner to without any further delay, decide to have an in-depth discussion session or international debate on the findings and recommendations, continue monitoring or public report of the human situation in Xinjiang, and to ensure that the voice of victims survivors heard, and they are fully involved in all decisions that concern them.
I thank you.
UN WEB TV, 6th Meeting – 57th Regular Session of Human Rights Counci,https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1e/k1e6tmz78i