- Will the Government of China consider issuing a standing invitation to all Special Procedures mandates to conduct country visits, granting them full and unimpeded access and enabling them to interview individuals, while protecting these individuals against possible reprisals?
- In a 2018 communication (OL CHN 15/2018), the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and multiple Special Rapporteurs warned that the exceptions as set out in Article 73 of the 2012 Criminal Procedure Law make the conditions of detention under Residential Surveillance at a Designated Location (RSDL) analogous to incommunicado and secret detention and tantamount to enforced disappearance, exposing those subjected to RSDL to the risk of torture and other inhuman and degrading treatment and other human rights violations. What steps will the Chinese government undertake to significantly adjust or end the practice of RSDL?
- Will the Government implement the Concluding Observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of February 2023 and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women of May 2023 to immediately abolish the coerced residential school system imposed on Tibetan children and allow private Tibetan schools to be (re)established?
- What concrete, enforceable measures will the Chinese government put in place as recommended by multiple UN Special Rapporteurs and committees to ensure the alignment of labour programs with China’s obligations under international law to prevent forced labour, clarifying that individuals, especially members of marginalized groups, may refuse participation?
- What are the considerations for the Government of China to continue to require special permission for foreigners, including journalists and diplomats based in China, to visit the Tibetan Autonomous Region?
- Will the Chinese government consider adherence to internationally recognized standards as well as the Chinese constitution on the protection of freedom of religion or belief and refrain from interfering in the exercise of this right?
- How, and what is the timeline, for the Government of the Hong Kong SAR to implement the recommendations made by the UN Human Rights Committee in 2022, specifically in regard to repealing the Hong Kong National Security Law?
- What steps will the Chinese government take to follow-up on the recommendations from the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women of May 2023 to (36b) ensure the protection of women human rights defenders from intimidation, harassment and reprisals for their work and to (36c) create an enabling environment for women human rights defenders from diverse communities to promote, protect and advocate for women’s human rights without fear of reprisals?