Estonia welcomes the delegation of China to its fourth UPR. We thank China for its national report and the information provided today. Estonia welcomes China’s engagement in the UPR process. We recognize China’s economic and social development, an achievement that has contributed to the elimination of absolute poverty.
Estonia would like to offer the following recommendations to China:
- ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and its Second Optional Protocol, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ICCPR-OP2);
- enable unrestricted use of Internet to all members of the society by ensuring the safe flow of information without violating the freedom of opinion and expression;
- respect and ensure the rights of persons belonging to ethnic and religous minorities, in particular in Xinjiang and Tibet;
- enable all members of civil society to freely engage with international human rights mechanisms without fear of intimidation and reprisals;
- cooperate fully with all human rights treaty bodies and implement their recommendations;
- cooperate fully with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Procedure mandate holders and ensure their unrestricted access to all regions of China.
Estonia wishes to the delegation of China all success in the current review and in implementing the recommendations.
Thank you.