Mr. President
- Botswana warmly welcomes the delegation of People`s Republic of China to the 4th cycle of the UPR process. We thank the Delegation for the presentation of their comprehensive national report.
- Botswana commends the government of China for the commitment and progress made in promotion, protection and respect for human rights through the completion of all set goals and tasks in the National Human Rights Action Plan (2016–2020). We further note the progress made in the implementation of the current National Human Rights Action Plan (2021–2025).
- We however note a few gaps such as, inadequate participation of children living with disabilities with respect to issues affecting their rights and limited access to education. Botswana therefore invites China to consider the following recommendations.
- To develop strategies that ensure that consultation processes for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are, child-friendly, transparent and respectful of freedom of expression to enhancing participation of children with disabilities.
- Formulate a comprehensive action plan for inclusion of an enforceable right to high-quality education for all children living with disabilities.
We wish China a successful outcome of the review.
I thank you.