发言人:Ghana, Ms. Akosua Dedaa Okyere-Badoo
Mr president,
Ghana respects its obligations under the charter of the United Nations and conventions of the United Nations to which is this party to and call all nations to abide by the purposes and principles of the Charter, the exercise of the principal of the sovereign rights of each country includes the authority to make national laws and determine the development priorities in conformity with universally recognized international human rights.
In this regard, Ghana reaffirmed a support for the commitment to the one China policy and takes notes with the appreciation that people of Xinjiang and and Tibet and enjoy social stability,economic development,and ethnic solidarity and religious harmony.
we also call on all member states to uphold multilateral ism,solidarity and collaboration and to promote and protect human rights through construction dialogue and cooperation.Politicization of human rights,including inconsistent application of human rights standards,undermines the human rights agenda, The council should therefore discourage this practice.
UN WEB TV, 12th Meeting – 55th Regular Session of Human Rights Council, https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1l/k1lvupnr9l .