发言人:China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), Mr. Gong Xianghe
性质:GONGO 官方背景非政府组织
I am Professor Gong Xianghe from South East University, and speak on behalf of the China society for Human rights studies on China’s efforts to protect rights of privacy.
Privacy is a fundamental human right and essential for the protection of human dignity.China has significantly advanced its protection of privacy rights.
A milestone is a personal information protection law in 2021,which enhance the right privacy by providing a comprehensive leagal framework for the protection of a personal information.
This law follows the Cyber Security Law of 2017,which also securities the right privacy by established strict rules for personal data protection. Additionally, the safeguard has dedicated a standalone chapter with 8 articles to the right of privacy.The current law has provisions that protect the citizens from privacy violations.
Despite that right of Privacy is a recent development. China has sofar developed consistent number of regulations.This digital legal framework reflect the domestic needs and the international influences as China engage with global data protection standards.
Thank you.
UN WEB TV,26th Meeting – 55th Regular Session of Human Rights Council, https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1y/k1y54ha88v