发言人:Ms. Nthabiseng Lelisa
We welcome to the oral update by the High Commissioner. As we continue to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Lesotho FM made commitments to the university of rights.
We welcome the progress made in the field of human rights as a stated in the High Commissioner’s update.The Lesotho has made strides in addressing equality and non discrimination by promulgated laws that bring equality between men and women.This laws include the legal capacity of married person’s act of 2022,as well as the 2022 to counstrike domestic violence act with a beautiful feeling of reporting obligations.Lesotho was reviewed under the ICCPR in July this year.
Mr vice president , Lesotho holds the council in high esteem and wishes to encourage that when dealing with the situation of human rights in countries,the principles of impartiality,territorial integrity, and non interference into the internal affairs of states should be respected and guaranteed by the UN charter.The same must apply to the issues relating to the internal affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and program of action, we therefore wish to improve states to realize the commitments to the principles contained in the Durban Declaration.
In conclusion,we wish to underscore that it is through the certain efforts of every stakeholder around the globe that we can remain committed to the cause of human rights as human rights are a collective responsibility. I thank you