- How many lawyers and human rights defenders from the “709“ and “Xiamen“ crackdowns are still detained? How many still face restrictions of their citizen rights? How many have received passports and how many are subject to exit bans?
- How many NGOs working to empower gender and sexual minority rights were shut down or barred from carrying out their original work plans in the reporting period? What is the basis for censoring or dissolving these NGOs and organizations according to Chinese law?
- How many individuals are still detained in Vocational Education and Training Centres (VETC) or similar institutions in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the reporting period? How many have been released? How many were transferred from the VETC system to other forms of detention and how many are currently detained on grounds of “terrorist activities” or otherwise “endangering national security”?
- How many people are currently participating in labor transfer programs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region? How are the recruitment procedures organized? Is registration and acceptance of a work position mandatory or can people opt out? What kinds of jobs are being offered through these programs, and at which locations? Which other provinces in China are actively sponsoring or cooperating with these programs, for example by receiving recruits to positions within their jurisdiction?
- How many people were detained for participating in the “White Paper protests” in late November 2022 and on what grounds? How many are still in custody?
- What is the percentage of Tibetan children currently schooled in the boarding school system in the Tibetan regions? Do the families have a choice whether or not to send their children to boarding school? What are the consequences for those who choose not to send their children to boarding school? How is the Tibetan language being taught in these schools?
- What is the current situation of nine Tibetan environmental human rights defenders, namely Anya Sengdra, Dorjee Daktal, Kelsang Choklang, Dhongye, Rinchen Namdol, Tsultrim Gonpo, Jangchup Ngodup, Sogru Abhu and Namesy, addressed by UN experts in August 2023, who were all sentenced to between 7 and 11 years of prison between 2010 and 2019?
- Which measures has China taken to implement the recommendations of the 2022 OHCHR report on the situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the recent recommendations of CEDAW and CESCR?
- What steps is China taking to provide freedom of religion or belief for all, amongst others by non-discriminating and non-interfering into religious education and practice as must be stated inter alia in the cases of Tibetan Buddhists and Uyghur Muslims?