Thank you, Mr. President,
Malta welcomes the Delegation of the China to this UPR Session. Malta is pleased to note that since the last review, China has ratified ILO Conventions No. 29 and 105 relating to forced labour. China has also further improved national health, education and social services to the benefit of its people. We also welcome China’s actions to eliminate absolute poverty.
Malta would like to make the following recommendations:
- Enact legislation to abolish the death penalty, and establish a moratorium as an interim measure.
- Enforce legislation to combat snatching and hiding of children as a method to hold custody of children during family court proceedings.
- Consider enacting national legislation that specifically protects all human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons.
- Recognise all ethnic groups in the country on an equal basis as recommended by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Thank you.