Thank you, Mr President.
High Commissioner,
Last August, your office published its findings on the situation in Xinjiang, concluding that ‘serious human rights violations’ have been committed, including possible crimes against humanity. We would welcome an update on the response to that report’s robust recommendations. We again urge China to uphold its international obligations and protect the universal human rights of all individuals, including by ending the ongoing serious and systematic human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet. In this context, we welcome your aspiration to establish a country office in China. We also remain concerned by the continued erosion both of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, and of its autonomy.
We call on Russia to end its barbaric invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s forces have allegedly committed torture, rape and killing of civilians, probable other war crimes and possible crimes against humanity; Putin stands indicted by the ICC for the unlawful deportation of children. Those responsible must be held to account.
And this aggression is aided by internal oppression – we call for the release of all political prisoners detained by Russia, including Vladimir Kara-Murza. We look forward to the Special Rapporteur’s first report in September, which we hope will be the basis to improve the lives of Russian citizens.